- There is a unique "work" for you--a line of activity that is tailor made for you. Each person should be employed in work that makes their heart sing. I call this "work" your "Passion Action." Why? Because this is the work where you are a living bonfire of passion, excitement and enthusiasm when doing it.
- To find that work, it is best to first get in touch with your Life Purpose. As the Christ (God being You), it is your purpose, as was Christ Jesus', to "bear witness to Truth." In other words it is your Life Purpose to show forth God's presence in all that you say, do and be. And more than that, like Christ Jesus, it is your purpose to show forth God's Love, Peace, Wholeness and Abundance wherever you are. How? By being so clear that only God exists anywhere as all Power, Substance, Form and Identity that this spiritual clarity is visible as the only Experience.
- Once you accept this as your Life Purpose--even as it was Christ Jesus'--then it is easy to take the next step and discover your Passion Action.
- In James 1:5, it reads, "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God..." It's simple. If you don't know what your right work is, then go directly to your All Knowing God Consciousness and ask, "What is it that I am supposed to do?" "What is my God appointed work?"
- You may have to ask this question many, many times followed by silent listening. Or, you may only have to ask it once. Whichever the case, just keep asking and listening until you KNOW. But be warned. When praying a prayer like this you must be open to DO what ever it is. You must be open to GO wherever it requires. You must be willing to be uprooted and rerooted into your Divine Appointment.