Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Career, Passion and Purpose (recap)

Here are a few highlights from Sunday's sermon:
  • There is a unique "work" for you--a line of activity that is tailor made for you. Each person should be employed in work that makes their heart sing. I call this "work" your "Passion Action." Why? Because this is the work where you are a living bonfire of passion, excitement and enthusiasm when doing it.

  • To find that work, it is best to first get in touch with your Life Purpose. As the Christ (God being You), it is your purpose, as was Christ Jesus', to "bear witness to Truth." In other words it is your Life Purpose to show forth God's presence in all that you say, do and be. And more than that, like Christ Jesus, it is your purpose to show forth God's Love, Peace, Wholeness and Abundance wherever you are. How? By being so clear that only God exists anywhere as all Power, Substance, Form and Identity that this spiritual clarity is visible as the only Experience.

  • Once you accept this as your Life Purpose--even as it was Christ Jesus'--then it is easy to take the next step and discover your Passion Action.

  • In James 1:5, it reads, "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God..." It's simple. If you don't know what your right work is, then go directly to your All Knowing God Consciousness and ask, "What is it that I am supposed to do?" "What is my God appointed work?"

  • You may have to ask this question many, many times followed by silent listening. Or, you may only have to ask it once. Whichever the case, just keep asking and listening until you KNOW. But be warned. When praying a prayer like this you must be open to DO what ever it is. You must be open to GO wherever it requires. You must be willing to be uprooted and rerooted into your Divine Appointment.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

God's Debt Release Progam (sermon recap)

Here are some key ideas from Sunday's sermon.
  • Behind all debt is the belief in lack. When people believe they lack the money to pay for something outright, they incur debt. With this in mind, the first step toward debt-free living is a CONSCIOUSNESS OF ABUNDANCE.

  • Because God is all the Substance there is (and the only Substance), and that Substance is infinite, lack is only a belief and not a reality.

  • There is a Spiritual Economy governed by Infinity. The law simply is: The supply always exceeds the demand. (remember Jesus and the loaves and fish?)

  • Like each leaf on a tree is not dependent upon another leaf for its supply, you are not dependent upon another identity for your supply--be it loan officer, etc. As each leaf is dependent upon the light of the sun for its supply, you are dependent upon the Light of the I AM God Presence. Turn there first, last and always--first by recogning this to be your Source of all supply,and then by knowing you and the Source are one.

  • Make a list of all the people who you say owe you something. It doesn't have to be money. It could be those you feel owe you more respect, more love, more attention, more affection, etc. In prayer, release them from this obligation. Set them free. For everything you are looking for from them turn to the Infinite I AM.

  • Bless your creditors. As you pay your bills, bless your creditors by knowing God is their infinite, constant and abundant supply too. This simple blessing is powerful.

  • You question is, "How do I get this Consciousness of abundance?" This is not a feat of mental gymnastics where you repeat some prosperity formula over and over again. No, this has to be done by Revelation. In prayer ask for understanding that God is your Supply. Ask for understanding on what that means. Whatever you are unsure about, simply ask.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Substance: The Foundation of Prosperity (recap)

Below are the basic ideas from Sunday's (July 13) sermon. What is written below, when put into practice, is enough for you to start prospering TODAY.
  • God Is the only Substance. Everthing in this universe is made out of the Substance that is God's Presence--including MONEY.
  • To blossom your understanding of Substance, it would be good to walk around your home touching various things. As you touch them, put out of your mind the "material" name of that object and REMIND yourself, "This is the spiritual substance that is the Presence of God."
  • Start thinking of money as Substance.
  • Remember, only what is TRUE of God is TRUE of SUBSTANCE. This means that Substance is right here, right now, all the time, and Substance is INFINITE.
  • Understanding that your Prosperity is Divine Substance, and what is true of Substance is true of your Prosperity, you must realize that just as there is never a need for more God, there is never a need for more Prosperity. What appears as a need is really a need to have your eyes opened to SEE (perceive) the Infinite Substance that is right here, right now, right where you are.
  • As your understanding of SUBSTANCE blossoms in your awareness, your understanding will appoint the right channels for your Prosperity. Leave the channels alone. Deal only with your understanding of Substance.
  • In prayer, ask for an understanding that God is the Substance, essence and totality of your prosperity.
  • Whatever words of Revelation are "given" to you, those are your words. Hold fast to them.

What I am about to write is very important. Saying mindless affirmations over and over again, hoping they will become true is not going to amount to much. When your words are given you, in prayer, you might have to REMIND yourself of them often, but as you do you are mindful that THEY ARE ALREADY TRUE.