Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Children's Church

On Sunday, October 4, we will finally begin the first phase of our Children's Church Program. Dr. Tiffany Manuel will be helping us launch this program. Tiffany, as our have frequently pointed out, grew up in Unity and knows the potential of a good children's program.
Parents and concerned adults, Tiffany will need your help. First, there will be Sundays when she cannot be present. We will need backup leaders. Second, we need you to get your children to church to participate in the program. When I am apprised of other requirements, I will let you know.

Sermon Recap--On Baptism

The purpose of Sunday's sermon was to give you a brief history of Christian baptism and then move on to the spiritual significance of this sermon. The highlights are as follows:
                    • In the Gospel of Matthew, John the Baptist mentions two baptisms: (1) baptism unto repentance and (2) the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The first is a requirement for the latter, but both are necessary.
                    • The more correct translation of the phrase"baptism unto repentance" is "baptism because of your repentance." In other words the water baptism was a visible symbol of the repentant heart.
                    • The repentant heart (or mind) is when the life focus changes from getting and acquiring things to having a conscious experience and understanding of God.
                    • The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the REVELATION OF THE ALLNESS OF GOD. This baptism only happens when the prayer is knowing God just for the thrill and glory of knowing God. When the desire to know God is for a healing or changing of conditions, it is a sure sign that the baptism of repentance never occurred.
                    • Is baptism necessary? Yes, but not as an institutional ritual. It is all a matter of Consciousness.