Sunday, August 15, 2010

Donation Update

You can now make donations to this ministry right here on the blog. Look to your top-right for the "donation" button." All donations are secured through Paypal.

Sermon Summary

Below are the main points from Sunday's sermon "The Juicy Fruit Life."
  • Spirituality is more than mere feel-good philosophy. It is practical. When Jesus warned his disciples about false prophets, he said, "Ye will know them by their fruits." A spiritual tree (life rooted and grounded in God's allness) bears spiritual fruit. In other words, without you saying a word your spirituality shows forth in all that you do, say and by the quality of your living.
  • One of the fruits or telltale signs of the spiritual life is LOVE. Without any effort at all, you find yourself engaged in a love affair with everything and everyone in the world. You LOVE, because you can't help loving. At some point you realize that YOU ARE LOVE IN ACTION.
  • As LOVE, you will find that (1) unforgiving attitudes resulting from past hurts (2)harbored resentments (3) petty dislikes fall away as naturally as leaves fall from the trees in Winter. The beauty of this is you are not making an effort to rid yourself of these feelings. These leaves just don't grow on the spiritual tree.
  • The Bible states that "Perfect love casts out fear." The spiritual tree does not grow fear fruit. Fear of persons, places, conditions and things fall away--if only gradually and by degrees. You've heard it said that if you can shake the fear of a disease the healing is sure to come. As a spiritual tree bearing the fruit of LOVE, the fear of (seeming)disease and the fear of the consequences of (seeming) disease drop away. You are no longer manipulated by disease and diagnosis. You are free to discover the WHOLENESS of your BEING.
    • Another fruit of the spiritual life is JOY. Unconditional joy. No one gave you this joy, so they cannot take it away. No thing gave you this joy. It is generated from the I AM that YOU ARE. It out-pictures as genuine cheerfulness and a positive attitude. Bearing the fruit of joy, it is no possible for you to be bored.

      Tuesday, August 03, 2010

      Sermon Summary-No News Blues

      Every now and again I preach a sermon that I can't shake. The theme haunts me (like a friendly ghost) for many days. No News Blues is one of those sermons. Below are highlights:
      • Either you are an active reader of the news or you are a passive reader of the news. When you are an active reader, as you are reading even the most horrific headlines, active in your Consciousness is the FACT that no matter what you seem to see, GOD IS THE ONLY PRESENCE, THE ONLY POWER, THE ONLY ACTOR AND THE ONLY ACTIVITY.
      • Every time you pick up the paper or listen to the talking heads should be a catalyst for world prayer--not to fix the world but to perceive that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
      • Where there appear to be reports of power-mad, and ego-driven world leaders, we should be conscious that there is only the Love-Driven Christ Identity.
      • Conscious of God's presence and power, let's not accept any report of hatred, violence, disease or lack as "normal," or beyond the power of prayer.
      • As Rees Howells prayer efforts resulted in Hitler's downfall so can our prayers show the nothingness of hatred's seeming rampage.