Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Summer Sermons Coming Soon

We had some great sermons during the Summer season and I will (slowly) post each one.  I expect by mid-October all of them will be available for your listening pleasure.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Personality and Individuality Sermon Tips

The Story: Emily Cady seemed dominated by an overbearing, pitbullish personality. She prayed and claimed that this personality has no power over her, and cannot affect her in any way. This was not enough. One day while walking, the realization popped in her awareness, "There is no such personality such as this in all the universe; there is nothing but God." The revelation continued to with, "There is no personality in all the universe; there is nothing but God."

In Short: Christ is the only identity aand activity.

So What Do You Do With This?

SCENARIO 1: Reader, do you seem to have a personality that is in any way self-sabotaging and self-destructive? Then frequently remind yourself, "There is no such personality in all the universe; there is nothing but God."

SCENARIO 2: Does your child, or spouse, appear to have a shy personality, or perhaps a pitbullish personality? Don't you believe it. Don't settle for, "Oh, that's just the way he (she) is." KNOW: "There is no such personality in all the universe; there is nothing but God."

SCENARIO 3: Maybe your co-worker or supervisor is giving you grief. You really like your job, but this one individual's caustic personality is making you think about quitting. Don't quit! You have to pull out the big guns on this one. Remind yourself often: There is no personality in all the universe; there is nothing but God. You may be asking yourself, "Well what good is this going to do?" First, it will remind you that both Power and Presence is in Love (God). Continuing to stay with it will facilitate a true realization of this fact; the end result being beneficial for all concerned.