Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sermon Recap--"The Secret"

I didn't trick you. This is the secret to Spiritual Power. Remember Christ Jesus said "Straight is the gate and narrow is way..." Being dedicated to Truth (God) with all your heart, soul, and mind is a step that cannot be escaped. If you can't remember the "how's" of this, let me refresh your memory. There is no other (human) way to have this kind of dedication to a God you've never seen before--a God that seems a mystery to you. Prayer is the way. You have to pray for a simple willingness to love Truth with all your heart, sould and mind. You have to pray this prayer over and over until you mean it. Then, the seeming mysteries of God unfold themselves. Then the seemingly unknown God is felt, known and experienced. Then all the seeming mysteries of the universe unfold themselves--even if slowly. The mysteries of health, prosperity and love REVEAL themselves and all is proved to BE WELL.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Handling the Big Problems--Sermon Recap

This past Sunday, I suggested steps to take when it feels like your problem is a mountain you just can't move. Here are the steps:
  1. STOP and remind yourself that God (Perfection) is the only Presence and Power. Because Perfection is the reality, it is possible for you to experience and evidence Perfection right where the problem or imperfection seems to be.
  2. ELIMINATE THE FEAR. Your seeming problem has no power. God (Love) is the only Power. It does not even have genuine Substance, because God is the only Substance. All the spooking power your problem seems to have is your own fear of it. Get rid of the fear of the problem and the VICTORY is yours.
  3. The PRAYER CLOSET is the way to nip the fear at its root. Pray as often as necessary for a clear, unmistakeable realization of God's Presence. Before you actually sense, feel and know that GOD IS HERE, it may (or may not) take many prayer periods.
  4. Align yourself with a PRAYER POSSE. Don't try to go it alone. See (Prayer Resources). Call like-minded friends to pray with and "for" you. If necessary call a licensed Practitioner.
  5. Keep your Consciousness soaked and saturated with God's Truth, and with inspirational stories of folk who have been in a similar situation and prayed their way to wholeness. See the sidebar (Healing Stories) for inspiration. Read the Bible and other literature. Most of all keep your mind "stayed on Thee." You cannot think about your problem and the Truth of God's Presence at the same time. Which one would you like to see evidenced as your life? Then, think about that.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Your Prayer Resources

There are times when you want someone praying with you. You can't do better than these two. For 30 days, they will pray with and for you for 24 hours a day.
Silent Unity800-669-7729
World Ministry of Prayer800-421-9600
If you need them, call them.