Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sermon Recap--"The Secret"

I didn't trick you. This is the secret to Spiritual Power. Remember Christ Jesus said "Straight is the gate and narrow is way..." Being dedicated to Truth (God) with all your heart, soul, and mind is a step that cannot be escaped. If you can't remember the "how's" of this, let me refresh your memory. There is no other (human) way to have this kind of dedication to a God you've never seen before--a God that seems a mystery to you. Prayer is the way. You have to pray for a simple willingness to love Truth with all your heart, sould and mind. You have to pray this prayer over and over until you mean it. Then, the seeming mysteries of God unfold themselves. Then the seemingly unknown God is felt, known and experienced. Then all the seeming mysteries of the universe unfold themselves--even if slowly. The mysteries of health, prosperity and love REVEAL themselves and all is proved to BE WELL.

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