Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Live The Life/Walk The Talk (sermon recap)

I apologize that this past Sunday's sermon was not recorded. We will now implement preventative measures to insure that it never happens again. Here is a brief recap of the sermon's highlights.
If you want to live the power you read about in the Truth books, the first requirement is a right understanding of God.

Affirmations, denials and mental visualizations do not take the place of a right understanding of God gained through silent, God-focused prayer.

Whenever the going seems rough and you don't know what to do about it and don't know how to pray about it, DON'T PRAY ABOUT IT. Instead pray something similar to this, "God, what is it that I need to understand about you." [You may have to keep this up for awhile until the answer is revealed.]

All of our seeming problems have one thing in common. They represent a misunderstanding of the presence and nature of God. Clear up the misunderstanding by spiritual realization and there is no more problem

Be steadfast and unwavering TRUSTING that your spiritual principles are already true--even when things seem just the opposite.

Spiritual principles don't change because your situation seems to change. God remains all despite what you seem to be going through. Maintain that you move, live and have your being in and as the Perfection of God, rather than believe that you are going through something--no matter what that something appears to be.

You can never go wrong praying to see clearly that God is right here where the problem seems to be.

1 comment:

NoWurezz said...

Thank you for your wonderful sermon. It is always a pleasure to visit and fellowship at Unity of Silver Spring. I always leave with a better understanding of God and the Christ within me. - God Bless