Monday, October 27, 2008

Sermon Recap

  • All condemnation is a denial of God being the only Presence and the only Power.
  • Because the kingdom of problem-free living is constituted of God's Allness, condemnation is a denial of the presence of the very life you "desire" to experience.
  • Praise is the very opposite of condemnation. Praise is the recognition of God's Presence and God's Power. In order to praise rather than condemn, you just as Christ Jesus said, "judge not according to the appearance."
  • Before you complete a condemning remark, STOP and quickly pray, "Of myself I can do nothing, God judge this (person, situation, etc.) through me, and as me."
  • Here's a great little help. The prayer above seems like a mouthful in times of emotional upheaval, find ONE WORD that symbolizes that prayer for you. Your word will not be my word.

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