Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Silent Prayer Pointers

I received a lot positive feedback about Sunday's sermon. And it was a great service. Below are some helpful hints about silent prayer:
  • Someone asked does time and place matter. No! Eventually silent prayer becomes a lifestyle where at least one ear is always cocked to hear that still small voice.
  • Length of time is not as important as quality of time. Remember I started off with two or more minutes each prayer session. (I confess my schedule allowed for a lot of these short prayer periods)
  • In a crisis, I realize that it might seem difficult for you to pray, "God, all I want is you. Reveal Thyself." Remember we are only referring to 2 minutes (or whatever you are comfortable with). For those two minutes your only desire is to hear that still small voice--to be God taught.
  • Silent Prayer is so powerful because (1) it is transcendental by nature. Your focus is meta (above) physical (the problem) (2) it is the catalyst to Revelation that corrects misperceptions that show up in your life as seeming problems. All problems indicate that there is some false idea being held as true and real. Revelation is the corrective.
  • About that wandering mind. Just remember your focus is the "still small voice." Gently bring your attention back. Tell yourself, I'm not here for that (random thinking) right now.

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