Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hearing The Voice of God

It's been a few Sunday's since you've heard and inspirational reading. For your reading enjoyment and encouragement:
READING (By Joel Goldsmith) To know the will of God and to hear the voice of God means above all things developing the practice of having many periods of solitude every day, going into the inner sanctuary. The first argument that comes to most students is, “I have no time. Others may have, but I haven’t.” Of course, it is not you saying that at all. Everybody has 24 hours in every day, so there is no person in the world who has more time than another. Everyone has the same amount of time–24 hours in every day. It just depends on what use is made of those 24 hours. When people say they have no time to attain spiritual dominion, do not believe it any more than when they say they cannot afford this or that. It is entirely a matter of how they wish to use their time or their money. People can afford anything and everything that they truly want, and they can find time for everything. It is not a question of time or money: it is a question of which thing a person values highly. You have to retrace your footsteps to the Father’s house through many periods of a day. Take mastership of your clock and don’t let your clock tell you that you do not have enough time. You tell the clock that you have 24 hours of time each day and sixty minutes in each of those 24 hours. Count them: 24 times 60, and see how many minutes you really have out of which to set aside these periods of meditation–even if it is only ten minutes before the rest of your household is awake, if it is five minutes before sitting down to that lunch or that dinner, or if it is ten minutes before going to bed. If you would use just those few minutes when you awaken in the middle of the night, you would soon find that you are developing a capacity to be still, to be quiet, to be listening.

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