Sunday, March 06, 2011

How To Work The Sermon Player

I've learned that many people who want to listen to our sermons at are confused about how to work the player. Below are a few helpful hints:
  • To the right of the uppermost sermon title, there is a scroll button. It is a grey circle under an “up” arrow. You can scroll all the way down to the “down” arrow to see the list of sermons on the player. Currently, there are 11 sermons.
  • To the left of the player (grey letters), you will see the words “Sort Options.” Click on it and you can sort sermons by topic, speaker, series, year, etc.
  • At the bottom left of the player, you will see the words “Search Archive.” Let’s say you are interested in all sermons on Prosperity. Type in the word and all the related sermons will show in the player. Or type in the name of a speaker and all of their talks will show. You get the picture.
  • At the top of the player is the Volume button.
  • The Details button will give all the details regarding a particular sermon title that you have already selected.
  • When your mouse hovers over a sermon title, right above the player you will see a pop-up reading “Download This Clip.” You can save the sermon to a CD to play in your car, or save it to your computer.

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